To built capacity of the development of vulnerable group members and CBOs of Climate Change area.. In this response, Aid Organization attempts to develop a strong small samities (groups) at the grassroots level by uniting them. It is contributing to develop their organization with equal participation of men and women at the local level establishing rights and raising collective voices against all types of discrimination. The program also stresses for the empowerment of women by creating a positive atmosphere so that women can easily create and control their own recourses along with easier access to government facilities.
- To increase knowledge, resources and skill of underprivileged men and women
- To develop people's organizations and their collective voices
- To increase rate of literacy and quality education
- To build the capacities of community level stakeholders and institutions.
- Form small group and village development committees
- Develop federation at Union and Ward level
- Provide various human and technical skill development training as well as study tour
- Organize workshop, seminar and community mobilization
- Ensure Non-Formal Primary Education as well as Secondary education
- Develop advocacy and networking